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While, for instance, the "parallel syntagm" is very rare in classical Hollywood cinema, it is a central device in these Soviet films, where it was used to suggest all kinds of rethorical analogies or contrasts. While Metz's concerns were theoretical, his account of the basic syntagm system provides a useful, if rather broad framework for the analysis of particular films. Raymond Bellour is an example of a fil semiotician whose works are not theoretical in a strict sense, but primarily concerned with practical, analytical questions and, as such, more closely related to traditional literary analysis.
A handbook of media and communication research. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Klaus Bruhn Jensen.
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Que sea infecto voluntario. Creo que la mayoría de mis blogueros conocidos han sido infectados ya. Si alguien falta, secuestre este bonito meme culto y avise :P
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